Gain a heart of wisdom...

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of
    --Psalms 90:12
      New International Version

  So often we look up and time has passed us by. The things we
promised ourselves we'd accomplish and the deeds we told others
we'd do get left undone. Before we know it, days have become
weeks, and weeks months, and months years. We find ourselves
unable to do what we once assumed we could do any time we want.
We must ask the Spirit of God to help us see and seize the
opportunities the LORD places in our path.

   Father, I confess that so often I leave undone what needs to
be done. Please help me see your plans in each of my days and
live in a way which not only honors you, but also blesses those
you want me to reach. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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