Limited Opportunities...

    \"Die?\" asked the crowd. \"We understood from Scripture that
    the Messiah would live forever. Why are you saying the Son of
    Man will die? Who is this Son of Man you are talking about?\"
    Jesus replied, \"My light will shine out for you just a little
    while longer. Walk in it while you can, so you will not
    stumble when the darkness falls. If you walk in the darkness,
    you cannot see where you are going. Believe in the light
    while there is still time; then you will become children of
    the light.\" After saying these things, Jesus went away and
    was hidden from them.

                            -- John 12:34-36  

So often, people think they will have plenty of opportunities to decide
about Jesus. Satan ensures that this is not true. This was brought home
tragically to me when a good friend of mine in high school was killed
in a motorcycle accident a few months after I had tried to share Christ
with him. He said, \"I will do that when I am older. Christianity is for
old people.\" He didn\'t take advantage of the light when he had the
opportunity. His words will forever haunt me and remind me that God
wants his grace to reach its mark. Let\'s share Christ with a greater
sense of urgency for we don\'t know when the opportunity for someone to
come to the Light will end.

Father, forgive me for not living with a greater sense of urgency,
especially in my relationship with my non-Christian friends. Please be
with me as I try to share my faith in Jesus with the following people:
... In Jesus\' name I pray. Amen.
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