The Ten Commandments

They may seem harsh at first, but there\'s a good reason behind each
one. When you think of the Ten Commandments, do you picture a stern
schoolteacher or an unsmiling drill sergeant explaining rules to you?
All those \"thou shall not\'s\" can be intimidating at first. But behind each
one is God\'s love and wisdom. God presented the Ten Commandments
to guide us and protect us from choices He knows will harm us. Here
are some principles to keep in mind about the Ten Commandments:

1. God needs to be your top priority. If you give more time, energy, or
attention to anyone or anything else in your life, you cannot live the
abundant life that God wants to give you. It\'s only when you commit
yourself completely to God that you invite Him to transform you
completely so you can grow to your fullest potential.

2. Remember that you will become like the image you pursue. Who do you
want to look like? If you pursue Christ, you\'ll be transformed more and more
into His likeness. If you chase empty images created by society\'s
whims, you\'ll end up feeling empty and looking impoverished.

3. When you take God\'s name in vain, you\'re debasing it, because you\'re
treating it much too casually when it should be spoken with great
reverence. God\'s name has great spiritual power --- speaking it actually
causes things to happen in the spiritual realms. Using it in a careless
way - such as to \"damn\" a particular person or situation --- can set
unintended consequences into motion.

4. God has designed you to need rest on a regular basis as part of His
established rhythm of life. If you don\'t take a Sabbath break each
week, your physical, mental, and spiritual health will suffer. If you do
observe the Sabbath by worshipping and reflecting, you\'ll discover an
eternal perspective on all aspects of your life that will help you
tremendously the rest of the week.

5. Honoring your parents is important; God used them to give you life.
If God sees you visit them at inconvenient times when they need help,
call them to express your love, and forgive them for any past mistakes,
He will be pleased and decide to bless you as well.

6. Most people can\'t imagine that they would ever murder someone. But
when anger goes too far, that tragedy actually can result. And there are
more ways to \"murder\" someone than physically killing that person.
Anytime you injure anyone with your words or wish bad things to happen
to them, you\'re committing murder against them in your heart. Take your
anger to God and let Him heal your heart.

7. Just as with murder, the seeds of adultery are sown in a person\'s mind.
Don\'t let your mind harbor images and experiences of which you know God
doesn\'t approve, and ask God to help you focus your sexual desires on
your spouse. Adultery can seem very enticing at times, but it never delivers
any true satisfaction. Instead, it will destroy your relationships with God
and other people. Remember that love is not a feeling --- it\'s an action.
Whenever you choose to act in love toward your spouse, feelings of love
will eventually result.

8. You don\'t need to steal because God has promised to provide everything
you need. And He is a Father who loves to give good gifts to His children.
He genuinely cares, and He has your best interests at heart. Decide to
trust Him.

9. When you speak untrue or unkind words against your neighbors, you\'re
committing injustices that will inflict great harm on people God loves.
But when you encourage others with your words, you become a channel
through which God\'s love flows, and the overflow will bless you. Be
accountable to God and another person (such as a prayer partner). Spend
time regularly worshipping and praising God so there won\'t be any room in
your mind for false or negative words.

10. Envy will destroy you. God wants you to have the peace that
contentment offers. The strain of constantly wanting something you don\'t have
and the burden of dealing with something you weren\'t meant to have can rob
your life of the joy God intends for you.

Adapted from the \"The Tender Commandments\"
copyright 1998 by Ron Mehl.

Shared by Joe Gatuslao, Philippines.
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