God has instilled in each person a great quality that when used is able to make 
this world a better place. If you are feeling as if you have nothing special to 
offer, I encourage you to look deep within yourself and recognize the beautiful 
qualities that have gone unnoticed. You are special and are able to do great 
things for yourself and more importantly for others. Never allow the enemy to 
tell you that your life is meaningless. You and God are a majority and He says 
you are a mighty warrior. I encourage you to stand in your authority and take 
hold of your God given gifts and do extraordinary things. (Jeremiah 1:4-5) 
(Romans 8:31-37) 

This is a good story that shows how even though we may have hardships in life, 
we can overcome those hardships and do great things thereafter. I hope this 
message encourages your heart to continue on even in the midst of your trials 
because your latter-end is sure to overshadow every hardship the enemy brought 
before you. 


Many years ago a girl known as Little Annie lived in a mental institution 
outside of Boston. Her room was like a dungeon. It received little light and 
even less hope. According to doctors, it was the only place for those who were 
hopelessly insane. During Little Annie's time in the dungeon, an elderly nurse 
who was nearing retirement believed there was hope -- even for the "hopeless." 
She would take her lunch down to the dungeon and eat outside the cell where 
Little Annie was kept. She felt that she could, perhaps, communicate some love 
and hope to the little girl. 

In many ways Little Annie behaved like an animal. On occasion she would charge 
at the person sitting outside her cell; other times, she would sit in the 
corner ignoring her visitor. One day the elderly nurse brought some brownies 
and left them for her. Little Annie gave no hint that she knew or even cared 
that they were there, but when the nurse returned the next day, the brownies 
were gone. Every Thursday, from that time forward, the elderly nurse would 
bring Little Annie brownies. 

Before long doctors in the institution noticed that Little Annie was changing. 
After a period of time observing her, they decided to "promote" her to another 
wing of the institution. Eventually this "hopeless" case was told that she 
could return to her home in the "outside" world. Little Annie refused to go. 
She wanted to stay and help others who were facing the kind of adversity she 
once faced. Many years later, it was Little Annie who cared for, taught and 
nurtured Helen Keller. 

Little Annie was Anne Sullivan, and Helen Keller, as I'm sure you know, changed 
how the world viewed the disabled and challenged. When Helen Keller was in a 
soft spot, it was Anne Sullivan who handled her with care. When Anne Sullivan 
was in a soft spot, it was an elderly nurse who handled her with care. The 
world is a different place today for the physically and mentally challenged 
because of an anonymous elderly nurse who handled with care someone in a soft 

Author Unknown 

I believe every person has the ability to make this world a better place. If we 
can think of nothing else, we each have the ability to be nice. I know that 
when we show the Love of God towards others, an impact is always made whether 
visible or not. In the story that you just read concerning Anne Sullivan, the 
act of love was shown when an elderly nurse gave Anne a brownie. That simple 
act of love was enough to change Anne Sullivan’s life and in time the life of 
Helen Keller who went on to touch millions of people's lives around the world. 

Never think that you are not qualified to be an encourager. I believe there are 
countless ways that we can show God's love to a hurting and dying world. If we 
take a few extra seconds each day to smile and say “Thank you”, “You're doing a 
great job”, “Don't give up”, “God Loves You”, imagine the impact your 
encouragement would give to that person who may have been down or discouraged. 
(Matthew 25:35-40) (1 Corinthians 12:14-25) 

It doesn't take a lot of time or effort to make a difference in someone else's 
life. Just taking an interest and showing that we care is sometimes enough to 
pull someone out of their depression pit. I ask you to think back and remember 
how you would have liked to be treated when you needed an extra lift of 
encouragement. Now just as you would have someone want to do for you, you do 
for someone else. There is no greater show of affection than showing Love to 
someone who needs it. I encourage you to be God's hands and feet on this earth 
and make an impact that will never be erased. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) (Matthew 
5:43-48) (Matthew 10:8) (Matthew 5:16) 
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