This is a good story that shows how God is never too busy to look out for us. 
If you have been feeling alone lately, then I hope this message strengthens 
your faith to continually trust the Lord and know that He is with you always 
even when you don't sense His presence. 


Life's a little thing! Robert Browning once wrote. But a little thing can mean 
a life. Even two lives. How well I remember. Two years ago in downtown Denver 
my friend, Scott, and I saw something tiny and insignificant change the world, 
but no one else even seemed to notice. 

It was one of those beautiful Denver days. Crystal clear, no humidity and not a 
cloud in the sky. We decided to walk the ten blocks to an outdoor restaurant 
rather than take the shuttle bus that runs up and down the Sixteenth Street 
Mall. The restaurant, in the shape of a baseball diamond, was called The Blake 
Street Baseball Club. The tables were set appropriately on the grass infield. 
Many colorful pennants and flags hung limply overhead. 

As we sat outside, the sun continued to beat down on us, and it became 
increasingly hot. There wasn't a hint of a breeze, and heat radiated up from 
the tabletop. Nothing moved, except the waiters, of course. And they didn't 
move very fast, either. 

After lunch, Scott and I started to walk back up the mall. We both noticed a 
mother and her young daughter walking out of a card shop toward the street. She 
was holding her daughter by the hand while reading a greeting card. It was 
immediately apparent to us that she was so engrossed in the card that she did 
not notice a shuttle bus moving toward her at a good speed. She and her 
daughter were one step away from disaster when Scott started to yell. 

He hadn't even gotten a word out when a breeze blew the card out of her hand 
and over her shoulder. She spun around and grabbed at the card, nearly knocking 
her daughter over. By the time she picked up the card from the ground and 
turned back around to cross the street, the shuttle bus had whizzed by her. She 
never even knew what almost happened. 

To this day two things continue to perplex me about this event. Where did that 
one spurt of wind come from to blow the card out of that young mother's hand? 
There had not been a whisper of wind at lunch or during our long walk back up 
the mall. Secondly, if Scott had been able to get his words out, the young 
mother might have looked up at us as they continued to walk into the bus. It 
was the wind that made her turn back to the card - in the one direction that 
saved her life and that of her daughter. The passing bus did not create the 
wind. On the contrary, the wind came from the opposite direction. 

I have no doubt it was a breath from God protecting them both. But the 
awesomeness of this miracle is that she never knew. 

As we continued back to work, I wondered how God often acts in our lives 
without our being aware. The difference between life and death can very well be 
a little thing. 

Miracles often blow unseen through our lives, so let us remember to thank God 
for our daily blessings. 

Author Unknown 

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