Hi Mr. Thorsted,

On Mon, 3 Jun 2013 19:52:01 +0000
Tyler Thorsted <t.thors...@ldschurch.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am new to parallel and didn't see in the manual a way to use a portion of a
> filename in creating a folder to move files into after processing.
> I am using ImageMagick to convert images to another format and my naming
> convention for files is static up until the last 6 characters, which are
> unique to each image.
> I would like to create a directory via the script to create a folder with the
> static portion of the filename and process all the images with that static
> portion to the that folder.
> ie.
> M1234_b0000_f0001_00001.tif
> M1234_b0000_f0001_00002.tif
> M1234_b0000_f0001_00003.tif
> M1234_b0000_f0001_00004.tif
> all jpg images would process to a directory named M1234_b0000_f0001
> and
> M1234_b0000_f0002_00001.tif
> M1234_b0000_f0002_00002.tif
> M1234_b0000_f0002_00003.tif
> M1234_b0000_f0002_00004.tif
> all jpg images would process to M1234_b0000_f0002
> I have used the regex "s/.\{6\}$//" in other scripts to get the folder name,
> but how do I use it in parallel.

I suggest you code a short script in shell, Perl, Python or whatever and use
parallel to call it, and this script will do the transformation you want with
its input and emit the result.

This is how I call parallel:


(short URL - http://is.gd/8JGPst ).


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
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