On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 3:45 AM, Daniel LaFlamme
<misterlafla...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hit send prematurely.
> Later in the job run, I did start seeing messages like the following:
> "mux_client_request_session: session request failed: Session open refused by
> peer"
> All machines had the same low load during parallel's run. I have spot
> checked sshd_config on a couple of the servers and they are the same. They
> are also managed by puppet so they should all have the same configuration.
> My question is: what can I do to make what is going on under the hood more
> transparent so I can debug the problem further?

-t will show what GNU Parallel actually runs the moment it is being run.

So you will be getting lines like:

ssh -S /tmp/control_path_dir-dTad/ssh-%r@%h:%p server -- exec perl -e

Given that the problem looks like being related to ssh, you can try
running some:

  ssh -S /tmp/control_path_dir-dTad/ssh-%r@%h:%p server sleep 10

by hand.

Since there _are_ jobs on all your hosts, then I reckon it is a
problem in your local setup. If find a solution, please post it. It
may be that others have the same issue.


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