2010/1/27 Roman Yakovenko <roman.yakove...@gmail.com>

> In Linux, there are few commands that have an option to change working
> directory. For example "tar" has "--directory" option that will change
> pwd for that process. May be you the commands you need to use have
> such option too.
> Another valid option could be to generate a shell script, upload it to
> a temporal directory and execute it.

I want use the paramiko library for manage CISCO device (I test the code on
linux machine).
In my first test I wrote:

i, o, e = client.exec_command('command'+'command_1'+'command_2')

but the CISCO devices have a limited buffer and I can't put all command in a
only one time.

I tested that solution:

client.exec_command('cd /etc')
i, o, e = client.exec_command('ls')
print o.read()

but the output is only a ls print of my home directory and not of /etc

There is a method to implement my issue.
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