I've created a Python script to demonstrate the problem (you will need to
start you parallel server and connect to it at the top):

# connect to the parallel server (2 procs are enough)

Sphere1 = Sphere( guiName="Sphere1", EndTheta=360.0, Center=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
StartTheta=0.0, PhiResolution=38, Radius=0.5, ThetaResolution=38,
EndPhi=180.0, StartPhi=0.0 )
ProgrammableFilter3 = ProgrammableFilter( guiName="ProgrammableFilter3",
OutputDataSetType='Same as Input', RequestInformationScript='', Script='pdi
= self.GetPolyDataInput()\npdo = self.GetPolyDataOutput()\nnewPoints =
vtk.vtkPoints()\nnewPoints.SetDataTypeToDouble()\nnumPoints =
pdi.GetNumberOfPoints()\nfor i in range(0, numPoints):\n  coord =
pdi.GetPoint(i)\n  x, y, z = coord[:3]\n  x = x * 1\n  y = y * 1.3\n  z = z
* 0.3\n  newPoints.InsertPoint(i, x, y, z)\npdo.SetPoints(newPoints)',
PythonPath='', CopyArrays=0 )
D32 = D3( guiName="D32", BoundaryMode='Duplicate cells', MinimalMemory=0 )
ProcessIdScalars3 = ProcessIdScalars( guiName="ProcessIdScalars3",
RandomMode=0 )
Render()  # this works
ExtractSurface2 = ExtractSurface( guiName="ExtractSurface2",
NonlinearSubdivisionLevel=1, PieceInvariant=1 )
Show()    # now that ghost cells are required and D3 is rerun it crashes

The crash happens when ghost cells are required.


On 6 January 2011 15:33, Andy Bauer <andy.ba...@kitware.com> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> Can you set up a small case to demonstrate the problem and submit it to
> mantis?  I can take a look at it.
> Andy
> On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 8:41 AM, Paul Edwards <paul.m.edwa...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've just spotted a bug where d3 causes paraview to crash if the points
>> are stored a double precision.
>> Regards,
>> Paul
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