I think it's because you're trying to create a bundle with dependencies that
are system installed. Fixup bundle doesn't copy in dependencies installed in
system locations such as /usr/lib, otherwise it would copy in your whole
operating system through dependency resolution ;-).

If you want to make a bundle then you'll have to use/build a Qt not
installed in /usr/blah

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Eric Nodwell <enodw...@ucalgary.ca> wrote:

> Hi,
> I can successfully build ParaView 3.10.0 (with some additional custom
> filters) on OS-X.  However the resulting app bundle ends up missing a
> required library, libQtCLucene.4.dylib.
> It can still be run on any system on which Qt is installed.  However if Qt
> is not installed on the system, the following error occurs:
> Dyld Error Message:
>  Library not loaded: libQtCLucene.4.dylib
>  Referenced from: /Applications/ParaView-3.10.0-n88/ParaView
> 3.10.0.app/Contents/MacOS/paraview
>  Reason: image not found
> As an ugly hack, I tried copying libQtCLucene.4.dylib from the official
> binary of ParaView 3.10.0 (which does include it).  This doesn't work
> though, as the build of ParaView is hard-wired to look for
> libQtCLucene.4.dylib in /usr/lib .
> Note that libQtPython.dylib and libQtTesting.dylib do get included in my
> build of ParaView; it is just libQtCLucene.4.dylib that is missing.
> Poking around the CMakeFiles I found that a file gets created in the CMake
> build tree, Applications/ParaView/ParaView_OSX_MakeStandAloneBundle.cmake,
> (derived from Applications/ParaView/CompleteBundle.cmake.in) that does
> have some custom handling for the libQtCLucene library.  In particular, in
> ensures that the path where libQtCLucene is found (happens to be /usr/lib)
> is passed in libs_path to CMake's fixup_bundle command.  I'm unfortunately
> not familiar enough with bundles to figure out why fixup_bundle still fails
> to identify libQtCLucene.4.dylib as a required dependency that should be
> included.
> There is evidently a solution, since the official ParaView binaries for
> OS-X do in fact include libQtCLucene.4.dylib in the App bundle.  Anyone have
> any insight how this is achieved?
> Thank you in advance for any insight.
> Eric Nodwell
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