I loaded a scalar data (defined on a 3d grid) into paraview 3.10.1. When i try to change "Representation" to "Volume", i get the error:

Cannot volume render since no point (or cell) data available.

But this can't be true since the "Information" tab shows that:

type:Image(Uniform Rectilinear Grid)
Number of Cells: 2048383
Number of Points: 2146689
Memory: 1.6e+02 MB
and the data arrays do show the 2 dataitems that i read in; a scalar data S and a tensor data Q

hmm..any ideas on why this is happening? Thanks in advance for the help.


P.S; I'll post part of the XDMF file here:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>
<Domain Name="NemTens">
<Grid Name="NemTensTime" GridType="Collection" CollectionType="Temporal">

<Grid Name="NemTensValues" GridType="Uniform">
<Time Value= "0" />
<Topology TopologyType="3DCoRectMesh" Dimensions="128 128 128 9 "/>
<Geometry GeometryType="ORIGIN_DXDYDZ">
<DataItem DataType="Float" Dimensions="3" Format="XML">0.0 0.0 0.0</DataItem> <DataItem DataType="Float" Dimensions="3" Format="XML">0.1 0.1 0.1</DataItem>
<Attribute Name="S" Center="Cell" AttributeType="Scalar" Precision="8">
<DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Dimensions="128 128 128" Precision="8">
<Attribute Name="Q" Center="Cell"  AttributeType="Tensor" Precision="8">
<DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Dimensions="128 128 128 9" Precision="8">

this is for the first timestep only
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