On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 4:08 PM, David Doria <daviddo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to look for the pixels in an image whose magnitude are
> above a certain value. I loaded the image, then tried to use the
> Threshold filter. The tooltip says "Requires an attribute array with 1
> component."
> Question 1) Would it make sense to allow this filter to operate on one
> of the channels of the image instead of having to extract it manually?
> To generate this attribute array, I used the Calculator filter to make
> an array called AbsX with abs(MetaImage_X). Then I applied a Threshold
> filter to this new array. The values in this array are in [0 512].
> When I leave the Lower Threshold all the way down and the Upper
> Threshold all the way up, I can view the image just fine. In the
> Display tab, the Color By is set to AbsX, like I want. However, as
> soon as I move the Lower Threshold slider, the image disappears. When
> I look in the Display tab, the only option for Color By is now Solid
> Color.
> Question 2) Why would the Color By options change based on the
> threshold that is set? (I'd also ask why the image is disappearing,
> but I think it might have to do with the coloring).
> If I then try to glyph the output of the threshold filter (to draw
> spheres or something at the location of the pixels that remain), the
> Scalars option of the glyphs shows my AbsX array, but it is not
> enabled. The only choice is under Vectors, and it is my MetaImage
> array.
> Question 3) Why can I not glyph the AbsX array?
> Sorry for the long winded question, but hopefully someone can shed
> some light on these issues!
> Thanks,
> David

Any thoughts on this? Is it just impossible, or am I missing something?

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