I'm using an in-house written Plugin to read time dependent simulation data. The plugin has an option to reposition the camera during the RequestData routine in order to keep the focus on the centre of a moving structure of interest.
For that purpose we use the pqActiveObjects::instance()  singleton.

As long as the plugin is used to read the data without involving a pvserver (using Paraview only), everything works as expected. But if the data is processed with a pvserver, a call of

pqActiveObjects* tempInstance = &( pqActiveObjects::instance() );

results in a crash of the server. We use Paraview 4.0.1 64bit on ubuntu 12.04 systems. And paraview is configured to render remotely with a
"Remote Render Threshold" of 0MBytes.
Is this kind of repositioning illegal and works just accidentally in the case of local execution or is there a way to solve this problem?

Best regards

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