
I've just compiled paraview on its last git master branch and I get a strange segfault using pvpython with connection to a pvserver (no MPI, on localhost, linux). This occurs for instance, when creating a simple sphere with the following code:

from paraview.simple import *
servermanager.Connect( "localhost" )
s = Sphere()

The strange thing is that under the ParaView GUI python shell all works well.

I've made a little debugging and the error comes from ParaViewCore/ServerManager/Core/vtkSMParaViewPipelineController.cxx:609 (vtkSMParaViewPipelineController::RegisterPipelineProxy()) the selmodel variable is NULL after proxy->GetSessionProxyManager()->GetSelectionModel("ActiveSources")

I recompiled on the

 * 4.3.1 release tag => same problem
 * 4.1.0 release tag => all works fine
 * 4.2.0 release tag => same problem

Any idea ?

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