On 06/10/2015 10:30 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:

D3 is available only when there's more than 1 MPI rank. There's no need to do any load balancing with just 1 rank.

But I'm using 1 rank on each of two nodes (r219i0n0,r219i0n1)



On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 1:29 PM Jeff Becker <jeffrey.c.bec...@nasa.gov <mailto:jeffrey.c.bec...@nasa.gov>> wrote:

    On 06/10/2015 10:16 AM, David E DeMarle wrote:

    On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 1:13 PM, Jeff Becker
    <jeffrey.c.bec...@nasa.gov <mailto:jeffrey.c.bec...@nasa.gov>> wrote:

        I'm assuming the file gets read on the first one, and it
splits up the grid among all the servers?

    It is up to the specific reader class to decide what to do so who
    exactly reads what depends on the file type. If the data is not
    well distributed, apply the D3 filter to make paraview
    repartition the read in data amongst the processors.

    I did the following to start a single pvserver on each of two hosts:

    $ mpirun r219i0n0,r219i0n1 -np 1 /usr/bin/env DISPLAY=:0
    --client-host=pfe20 --use-offscreen-rendering

    After I connected to the first pvserver, and opened the file, I
    tried to apply the D3 filter, but it was grayed out.


    David E DeMarle
    Kitware, Inc.
    R&D Engineer
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