Paraview version: Paraview 5.0 on Windows 7 64-bit

Hello all,

I noticed a fairly specific issue and I was hoping if someone could
enlighten me as to why it happens.  In the RequestInformation section of a
Programmable Filter, I have the following line:

if inputs[0].VTKObject.GetCell(0).GetClassName() == 'vtkPolyLine':

i.e. I'm testing if one of the inputs has a polyline cell.  When I save the
state and reload it, Paraview crashes.  Through some testing, I found that
the issue is specifically with


There must be some nuance in the VTK/Paraview pipeline that I'm unaware of
that results in a memory issue or something when attempting to retrieve a
cell while loading a .pvsm state file.

The issue should be easily reproduced by creating a sphere, applying a
Programmable Filter, and simply typing inputs[0].VTKObject.GetCell(0) in
the Request Information box, saving the state and reloading it.

I can get around it, but I wanted to know why it happens to get a better
understanding of VTK or Paraview.

If you want to know the application: The filter takes in two inputs and
only one is time-dependent.  To keep the time-dependence, I needed to
figure out which input is the time-dependent one (the one that I know is
not a line) and set the time steps and time range of the output information

Evan Kao
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