Hi all.

I'm using paraview 4.0.1 on my ubuntu 14.04 64bits, the paraview version
coming from ubuntu 14.04 repositories.

The problem is: when I try to 'Export Scene' to pdf, it generates a white

So, I compiled ParaView v5.0.1 from its source (without warnings or
errors), but I get the same problem.

I also have downloaded ParaView Binary Installers v5.0, but doesn't come
with 'Export Scene to pdf' option. That's why I'm trying to compile from
source code.

With ParaView Binary Installers v4.3 I have NO problem, but I want to use
the newer version.

So, how can I compile ParaView v5.0.1 to have the option for 'Export Scene'
to pdf?

Thanks in advance.

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