
I'm in the process of migrating some VTK scripts in the Code_Saturne (code-
saturne.org) test suite to Catalyst Python scripts, and am having some
difficulty automating some cases using contour plots:

For time-dependent data, I do not know the value ranges in advance, and would
like to query them so as to build an Isosurface values array spanning that

I can manage to access the point and cell data arrays and ther ranges, but
printing the ranges in parallel, it seems I have local values only, while I need
a global range.

I searched for examples in the documentation, on the Wiki, ..., and found an
example for MinMax, but don't seem to ba able to access the correct type of
Proxy under Catalyst (the default servermanager is not connected in the usual

For scalar bar color look-up tables, I can manage with
"coprocessor.WriteImages(datadescription, rescale_lookuptable=True)" in the
coprocessing script, but for a more general case such as thar needed for contour
plots, I've been running around in circles in the last hours trying to find and
adapt a relevant example.

Does anyone have a suggestion ? Thanks in advance,

        Yvan Fournier
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