that's correct - "pass show" will then only show the password - you'll 
need to seperately get the user with "pass show". what 
"applications that just want a single entry" are we talking about here?

maybe this is an option for you (bash-specific iirc and !!might use temp 

    cat <(pass show <(pass show
or (better):
    { pass show git; pass show Kreditkarte }

Till Schäfer <> schrieb am 21:10 Montag, 
30.Oktober 2017:

the meta-file sounds great. 

However, I do not get it to work or i did get your proposal wrong. "pass show" shows only the content of "" and not the content of 
"". Thus, just having two sperate files does not realy help for 
applications that just want a a single entry for all data. 


Am Montag, 30. Oktober 2017, 20:49:40 CET schrieb Tobias Girstmair:
> You could use a symlink containing only your password, and have a meta file 
> containing username and login url for each entry. see the homepage:
> > And yet another approach might be to store the password in 
> > Amazon/bookreader and the additional data in Amazon/bookreader.meta.
> I do not know how other interfaces to pass (e.g. browser addon) handle .meta 
> files though
> Till Schäfer <> schrieb am 20:33 Montag, 
> 30.Oktober 2017:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if there is any kind of inheritance possible with pass. 
> Use case: I have several different Domains that all use the same credentials 
> and have a single-sign-on backend. The entries in my passwordstore are named 
> by the domain name. Now I would like to inherit e.g. the common password and 
> login, but change the login url for each entry. 
> Symlinking already did half the trick, but it is not possible to use 
> different URLs for different domains in this case. 
> So far I have not found any documented feature like this, but I really would 
> like to see this feature implemented. The main problem so far might be that 
> there is no standard file-format for pass and overriding by keys might 
> actually force some kind of format. However, the de-facto standard already is 
> "key:value" and implementing this feature would actually not hurt other 
> implementations. Of course it would be necessary to introduce another keyword 
> for the inheritance, too (e.g. "inherit ./pass/to/other/entry")
> What do you think?
> Regards, 
> Till
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