password-store-url does not seem to work.
From the code, it seems that it's getting the first line (i.e. the
password), then checks if it's a URL.

        (defun password-store-url (entry)
          "Browse URL stored in ENTRY.
        This will only browse URLs that start with http:// or http:// to
        avoid sending a password to the browser."
          (interactive (list (password-store--completing-read)))
          (let ((url (password-store-get entry)))
            (if (or (string-prefix-p "http://"; url)
                    (string-prefix-p "https://"; url))
                (browse-url url)
              (error "%s" "String does not look like a URL"))))

I guess the right thing to

- skip the first line,
- then find the first URL like `ffap-next-url' does.

Besides there is a typo in the docstring:

-       This will only browse URLs that start with http:// or http:// to
+       This will only browse URLs that start with http:// or https:// to

But I guess this could be removed altogether by referring to the
"next-url" function instead.

Pierre Neidhardt

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                -- Sri Aurobindo

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