I wrote the below ruby script myself to test all my passwords against the same service.

It’s tested on macOS, two of my passwords had been breached, both for last.fm.

I haven’t used the service in ages, but wanted to update my passwords nonetheless.

The last.fm breach was in March of 2012, so I expected both passwords to have been disabled.

I login to last.fm, no problem, and no info box that asks me to update password.

I then go ahead to update my password. I use apg to generate a random password.

Lo and behold, last.fm tells me my new password is too weak and I should pick another, LMFAO!

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'digest'
require 'shellwords'

PASSWORD_STORE_DIR = ENV['PASSWORD_STORE_DIR'] || File.expand_path('~/.password-store')

  Dir.glob('**/*.gpg') do |file|
    path = "#{PASSWORD_STORE_DIR}/#{file}"
pass = %x{ gpg -d #{path.shellescape} 2>/dev/null | head -n1 }.chomp
    hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(pass).upcase

    prefix, suffix = hash[0..4], hash[5..39]
    url = "https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/#{prefix}";
response = %x{ curl -sL #{url.shellescape}|grep #{suffix.shellescape} }

    if $?.exitstatus == 0
      count = response.chomp.split(':')[1]

      dir, name = File.dirname(file), File.basename(file, '.gpg')
      subpath = dir == '.' ? name : "#{dir}/#{name}"
puts "#{count} leaks of your password (‘#{pass}’) for #{subpath}"
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