On 17/11/16 12:39, Stephen Finucane wrote:
Time to expose series via the REST API. As you can tell, this series
actually covers a lot more work than pure series work. Most of this
is based off of discussions I had with Andy Doan regarding making the
REST API code a little easier to maintain. This does result in some
changes to the API, but seeing as we don't actually pledge to support
Patchwork from master and the API isn't in a release (yet!), I think
this is an acceptable situation.

This series doesn't apply cleanly on top of master, I've tried to rebase it and do necessary fixups at https://github.com/ajdlinux/patchwork/tree/series-api-applied. No guarantees it's correct.

Andrew Donnellan              OzLabs, ADL Canberra
andrew.donnel...@au1.ibm.com  IBM Australia Limited

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