On Thu, Aug 09, 2018 at 11:55:16AM +1000, Stewart Smith wrote:
Out of interest, does the kernel.org instance back onto PostgreSQL or

We have one of each. The original instance patchwork.kernel.org is on MySQL (well, MariaDB), because that's the database cluster we have in our PDX DC. When we split the LKML project off to a VM in AWS (lore.kernel.org/patchwork), we set up a separate instance that's backed by the AWS PostgreSQL instance. However, that instance is for archival purposes only, and the one that's actually used for patch tracking and management is patchwork.kernel.org.

I have a bunch of ideas that would quite dramatically improve
performance on MySQL (properly using primary keys to force disk layout
to be sane, rather than the current screw-locality method that Django
enforces). On PostgreSQL, things are a bit different, but it's possible
an occasional ALTER TABLE CLUSTER BY (or whatever the syntax is) could
help a *lot*.

If you want to recreate a huge project, you can feed 20 years of LKML archives into it. :)
I'm not sure that archiving the patches would help query performance at
all, but I'd have to check it out a bit. The query that Django generates
is certainly.... "interesting".

I know for a fact that it does, because I have empirical evidence to prove it. Go to lore.kernel.org/patchwork and try the patch listing with Archived=No and without it. There will be a few seconds difference.


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