Well said Comrade Kwame

What appears in the Daily Dispatch article serves as an indictment to
not just those at the helm of the party but to scores of others who for
decades chose to put their personal interests and self ambitions first
with the party merely reduced to an instrument of furthering those
reactionary tendencies.
Skhwatsha astonishingly confesses to their being culprits.I'm glad he by
himelf makes these startling revelations.
My call is for us revolutionaries not to be diverted from painstaikingly
engaging in party political work, to build the PAC anew, and guard
against it being annihilated into oblivion by reactionaries.
We have a solemn duty to liberate our people from lies and a deliberate
distortion of facts about the PAC. Every party member should exercise
extreme vigilance by being able to decipher lies truth from lies.We
remain steadfast to this noble mission of thwarting with much ferocity
any deceptive and decadent programme by anyone within our own midst.

Izwe lethu!!        

-----Original Message-----
From: payco@googlegroups.com [mailto:pa...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of kwamendeb...@webmail.co.za
Sent: 05 October 2009 02:10 PM
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Subject: [PAYCO] Re: [PAYCO]


Skhwatsha cannot be trusted,He has helped Mphahlele to destroy the party
we love so dearly and now he come with the so called "honest attempt on
the party's perfomance in the 2009 General Elections", but does not
reflect on his personal destructive tendences and that of his leader
Mphahlele as the core source of the problem. The easy and exhaustive
solution,is for them to leave and let us build a more determined,united
and mass based PAC.

I hope all those who blindly support this gang of anarchist now
understand their mission,which is to close down the PAC. No genuine PAC
member would think of closing the PAC,infact closing shop does not exist
in the vocabulary of genuine revolutionaries. What about the mission and
vision that the PAC was set up for? What about the legacy of our
founding fathers?
What about the sacrifices made by our fallen comrades? what about the
needs and aspirations of our people? With or wothout money the struggle

Aluta Continua!!!

Kwame Ndebele
PAYCO Secretary General

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> PAC: We may as well close shop
> ________________________________
>   <javascript:chgImg(-1)>      Image of         <javascript:chgImg(1)>
> 2009/10/05
> THE embattled Pan Africanist Congress has said that without an urgent 
> financial boost and a strategy, it might as well close shop.
> In an open and frank 2009 election report, the party's 
> secretary-general, Mfanelo Skwatsha, painted a picture of a party in 
> dire straits.
> Skwatsha said that while the report was "not the gospel truth", it was

> an honest attempt to look at the party's performance in the 2009 
> elections and to offer solutions .
> He took full responsibility for the party's dismal performance during 
> the 2009 elections.
> "As the Secretary-General of the PAC I take full responsibility for 
> our poor performance in the 2009 elections. To offer excuses or evade 
> the truth will not change our situation. Instead, it will make things 
> worse," said Skwatsha.
> He said while he took full responsibility for the poor performance he 
> would also take full responsibility for what needed to be done.
> "In my humble opinion there are only two things that can change the 
> fortunes of the PAC - financial resources and a good strategy. Without

> good money and a good strategy we are doomed. We may as well close 
> shop," said Skwatsha.
> He said a strategic workshop last year dealt with a number of issues 
> such as the budget for the elections, and funding and fundraising 
> programmes among others.
> Although the 2009 election results had been the worst ever for the 
> PAC, the party had been in a "dramatic decline" since 1999, he added.
> In 1994 the PAC was the fifth largest opposition party. It managed to 
> garner only one parliamentary seat after the 2009 elections.
> Skwatsha asked whether the formation of the African Peoples Convention
> (APC) and Pan Africanist Movement (PAM) had been caused by 
> factionalism and disunity.
> "No. Self serving interests were behind the formation of these two 
> entities. Did the formation of APC and PAM adversely affect the PAC in

> the 2009 elections? Yes," said Skwatsha.
> Skwatsha, however, remained optimistic about the party's future.
> He said their recent workshop noted that attaining State power was the

> key critical strategic focus for the party.
> "To this end the workshop declared that 2009 would be a comeback 
> trial, in 2014 we should become an official opposition and in 2019 
> attain State power," said Skwatsha.
> The workshop noted that politically the party was characterised by 
> lack of ideological cohesion, clear political direction and financial 
> control systems.
> Skwatsha said that the party's branches, regions, provinces and 
> national structures were simply not ready for the elections. "They 
> were dysfunctional and in some cases non-existent," he said.
> Skwatsha said the party's initial budget wish for the 2009 elections 
> was R15million. "On professional advice we adjusted it to R75m. We did

> not raise even a fraction of this budget. Instead we operated on 
> almost a zero budget," said Skwatsha.
> Political analyst Stephen Friedman said it would be a "tragedy" if the

> PAC were to disappear from the political spectrum.
> There were a number of people who supported the PAC's ideology, but 
> this unfortunately was not reflected in the party's membership. The 
> PAC had a tendency to spend most of its time with internal battles,
said Friedman.
> - By BABALO NDENZE - baba...@dispatch.co.za
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