Well said son of the soil,

My only questions to the charterist is whom are they blaming for Zuma's
immoral behavior? Are they aware that Lekota, Shilowa and all the other
people they are attacking are not Presidents of any country? Does the fact
that Zuma has apologised means all his immoral behavior has been erased or
has not happened? Is Zuma a child who cannot see good and bad or is he a
brainless Zombie who cannot think and control his actions?

We of the PAC are a product of leaders of high moral standard who were
respected in society for the way they conducted themselves both in their
private and public life, in all honesty, PAC leaders like Sobukwe,
Mothopeng, Masemola and many others had no private life, they were
servants of our people 24/7. We should not accept this alien immoral
conduct of the charterist to corrupt our society and to make our cultures
and values a laughing stork in the world. We remain the custodians of
African emancipation and african culture and should do all we can do to
protect our people and cultures from crooks and dogs.

We remain the only true and reliable vanguard of the struggles of our
people despite our weaknesses at this juncture.

Foward ever! Backward Never!


> *Umhlaba*
> I think Goodenough Zizi Kodwa has mistably generalised on political
> movement
> not having a say on personal issues[?]. As far as PAC is concern, its
> members
> should project an African personality which promtes "*High Moral and High
> Discipline*"; and Goodenough (zizi) should read more about other
> organizations if he still claim to be a political leader and to stop
> phrophecizing lies on behalf of other political movement, especially PAC.
> We, the PAC cadres are subjected to public scrutenity by virtue of
> entering
> the political arena which is a public platform by its nature. It is
> therefore a crucial point of our society to uphold "*High Moral and High
> Discipline*" and we should stop at nothing to promote such call.
> I will pause and allow others to reflect on my statement.
> Izwe Lethu
> *Mavela "Agitator" [?]*
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 5:40 PM, Thembeka Majali
> <thembeka.maj...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Its a very gender sensitive issue that has been raised, complexities of
>> polygamy. I wonder how does all what has been said make an impact to
>> women
>> in general. Can Skwatsha really put women's issues on the agenda where
>> women
>> under his leadership could not have comfortable spaces to voice out
>> issues.
>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Hulisani Mmbara
>> <mmbar...@hotmail.com>wrote:
>>> They're no angels, says ANC
>>> Staff Reporters
>>> February 15 2010 at 01:30PM
>>> **
>>> Submit your
>>> comment<http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=3102&art_id=vn20100215131045462C460884#comment_bottom_box>
>>> Revelations that COPE leader Mosiuoa Lekota fathered a child out of
>>> wedlock and allegations of an extra-marital affair by the DA's Lennit
>>> Max
>>> have exposed the hypocrisy of opposition parties calling on President
>>> Jacob
>>> Zuma to resign over his sexual activities, says the ANC.
>>> "The whole thing shows that there are no angels on earth, no angels at
>>> all," said ANC spokesman Zizi Kodwa.
>>> "It shows that these parties do not take up issues that really matter;
>>> they take up an issue that presents them with opportunistic political
>>> mileage," said Kodwa.
>>> On Sunday COPE said it would not change its position on asking Zuma to
>>> step down, despite revelations that Lekota too had a love child.
>>> "It's about protecting the highest office, not about an illegitimate
>>> child," said COPE spokesman Phillip Dexter.
>>> "COPE has not changed its position. We feel the time has come for
>>> (Zuma)
>>> to step down," said Dexter.
>>> Lekota fathered a five-year-old child with former Cape Nature deputy
>>> chairwoman Yasmina Pandy.
>>> However, he has slammed Zuma for being "a very poor role model" and
>>> behaving irresponsibly in a country with a high prevalence of HIV/Aids
>>> by
>>> sleeping with women other than his wives without a condom.
>>> "His continued use of African custom as a smokescreen is also no longer
>>> acceptable," Lekota said last month.
>>> COPE chief whip Mbhazima Shilowa, who himself has two sons outside his
>>> marriage and failed to pay maintenance for them until taken to court,
>>> said
>>> COPE intended bringing a motion of no confidence in Zuma on Thursday.
>>> Last year it emerged that COPE parliamentary leader Mvume Dandala had
>>> an
>>> unplanned child before he got married - and he has readily admitted it.
>>> The PAC has also called for Zuma to step down. Secretary general
>>> Mfanelo
>>> Skwatsha said Zuma's "misdemeanors have caused a great deal of
>>> embarrassment
>>> to the country and in the eyes of the international community".
>>> The PAC would ask the ANC to recall Zuma to "save this country from
>>> further embarrassment".
>>> "The PAC has noted with grave concern that in the past 10 years or so,
>>> this country has moved from being a miracle country to an international
>>> joke. This trend started with our stance on HIV/Aids, to the current
>>> misdemeanors," said Skwatsha.
>>> But Kodwa pointed out that liberation movements never had rules on the
>>> private behaviour of members.
>>> "There is a fine line between what is private and what is public and
>>> certain matters are private," he said.
>>> "Certain people broke away from the ANC on the basis of morality and
>>> then
>>> they found they could not come up to the standards they had set and
>>> they had
>>> to hire a priest to lead them in the elections.
>>> "Their standards were too high for anybody who lives on earth. There
>>> are
>>> no angels here," he said.
>>> Meanwhile, Max said he would await findings of a police investigation
>>> into
>>> the extortion charges he laid against a former police clerk who accused
>>> him
>>> of an extramarital affair, before deciding on his next step.
>>>  *From : Hulisani Mmbara
>>> Call : 082 593 3012
>>> Fax : 086 690 1176*
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign
>>> up
>>> now. <https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969>
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