It is with great pleasure that i have come across this platform of
Azanian Africanist revolutionaties and i hope to make it a space to
engage fellow Africanist on the challenges of the Azanian front of the
African liberation struggle.

>From my perspective the African liberation struggle suffers, (1) from
ideological confusion, (2) organisational weakness and (3) Leadership
crisis. The points above are mutually linked to one another and
reinforce one another.

This has been the general case since the first movement of resistance
against slavery, colonialism and now neo-colonialism- settler neo-
colonialism in the Azanian case. And i believe that it is in this
context that we must understand the current problems of the PAC but
also of other movements like AZAPO etc, but not limited to them.
Because even pro imperialist movements like the ANC are not immuene
form this general problem.

Our greates challenge today is to deal with these three fundamental
challanges of the African liberation struggle realizing the fact that
we will not be able to move forward untill we are able to provide
answeres to the philosophical, political and organisational questions
raised by these fundamental challenges.

All successfull revolutions went through similar challanges and it was
the provision of concrete answeres to these questions that propelled
them into a forward movement in the face of onslaught from within and
without. Bold men and woman took a stand, fought a vicious idelogical
struggle that threatened the very life of their struggles and parties,
but out of those strggles forged the weapons of revolution namely (1)
the party led by a revolutionary ideological line (2) a peoples
liberation army led by the paerty (3) supported by the peoples united


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