Mo Afrika Kwame

Maybe comrade I should remind you that Letlapa, Modini and Skwatcha I just the 
few leaders of PAC. We are the PAC. I don,t think we should put much blame on 
what is happening in the PAC on those few. The trueth is those few represent 
the majority of PAC members and that leaves you and other comrades or rather a 
handful so called conventionalist a faction in the PAC. By that fact you remain 
a faction. Please there are sensible comrades in the PAC who do not want to 
correct one wrong with a thousant wrongs. You know you are also wrong. What 
puzzles me is that in the whole issue you guys think that you are messiahs. You 
see no wrong in you. You potray yourself as if you are purer than any person in 
this movement. Comrade you are very few and cannot dictate to the majority 
members of this organisation your perceived wrong ideas. You are furthure 
destroying this organisation. Whenever a matter of unity arise you remain so 
mute. Instead you are critisizing
 without bringing any altanative. So between us and you who are destroying this 
I need to be true to yourself, either you are agents who are bount to destroy 
this organisation or you are fullfilling the agendas of those few comrades who 
want a piece of cake in a neo colonialist loot.
I think it is time that the inteligents members of this organisation should try 
and expose people who are agents of destruction in this movement, so that we 
separate agents from innocent disillusioned comrades. The few we remain the 
better. We cannot tolerate you to destroy a few at the expense of many. 
Letlapa, Modini and Skwatsha are only PAC leaders we are the PAC.

Down with your destructive motives. Down with wolves in the sheeps skin. 

From: "" <>
Sent: Wed, May 19, 2010 1:28:42 PM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Convention of confusion

Comrade Tumelo,

I respond to your open letter directed to myself, Hulisani Mmbara, Thapelo
and the progressive forces that attended the Cape Town Convention. I
personally feel sorry for you as you are trying your level best to defend
the undefendable and to convince yourselve that PAC under Mphahlele has
made massive strides and has grown in size. Let me help you as a dear
comrade, wake up! wake up! its nothing but a bad dream, infact an

First and foremost let me declare to you that I come from Newcastle
region, Branch 25 (our branches are ward based) and we have 17 fully
fledged branches in a Municipality with 31 wards) and can safely tell you
that I have been involve in the establishment of all these branches. In
2007 my branch submitted its forms and deposited money for 50 members to
the National office and our money was chowed by Skhwatsha, Mudini and
Letlapa. I am truly a street fighter and just cannot be bullied by other
boys. Yes I was brought up by my grandmother and not ashamed nor do I feel
small. Rest assured son of the soil that I am not traumatised nor stressed
by my family background rather it has taught me to be resilient and always
fight for justice hence I joined the PAC not ANC or any other party as it
sought to create a just society founded on socialist principles.

You are correct I get emotional where PAC is concerned, particularly when
its destroyed from within. I expect any genuine PAC member to be emotional
when PAC that embodies the aspirations, interests and needs of our people
is crushed. Mind you people sacrificed their lives for PAC, some
sacrificed their youth for PAC, some went to Jail for PAC, some risked the
lives of their family members for PAC. PAC is anchored on the pain,
sacrifices and suffering of our people therefore it is highly impossible
not to be emotional where PAC is concerned, surely you would know that if
you were committed and passionate as some of us are about PAC, its history
and its achievements.

Let me pause for now would respond to other issues you raised when I get

Izwe lethu!!!


> Open letter to Mmbara,Linda,Thapelo Matseba and the entire hooligans
> emerged from the so called PAC National convention
> Ma afrika!, i’ve been so quiet and observant on some of your progressive
> debate but now allow me to address you one by one on facts not fiction.
> 1.    Mmbara who are you in fact?, you claims to be representing task team of
> the PAC, is that not correct?, if you are, who tasked you to perform that
> duty?.Are you aware that your booze convention was meant for confused
> individuals who are not PAC members or leaders including you?, if you are
> contesting that fact why your coordinators didn’t invite the provincial
> leaderships of the PAC. What informs your convention?, stress or
> entertainment?.
> 2.    Linda, from which branch of the PAC are you coming from?, why are you
> always insulting and labelling PAC leaders as  veranda boys?, what kind of
> a boy are you, street boy or traumatised boy raised by a single parent?, i
> mean your engagements on political issues are always clouded by emotions
> even where not necessary.
> 3.    Thapelo, are you the sloganist or just a mere teddy bear ill discipline
> fake soldier accommodated within the ranks of APLA to maintain your
> stomach frustration?, last time i spoke with you it was at forthare where
> your ambitions to be organiser were shattered like rotten tomato,its what
> made you disown President Letlapa Mphahlela who you always fund his
> programme like Apel Rally held at Frank Mashile?. Thapelo you of course a
> disgrace even to those who raised you.
> I urge you to halt calling yourselves PAC task team and behave well if you
> are really PAC members. It is surprising that most of you undermine
> LETLAPA but fails to bring him down, instead you rallied people not to
> vote PAC last year but now you are eying PAC 1 seat, where is logic
> rascals?.
> Just imagine young vibrant boys like you behave like political virgins,who
> do you expect to break your virginity because you don’t listen when people
> advise you. The only weapon you claim to have against PAC President is
> that default award  awarded to Dr Pheko who wanted to be PAC permanent
> member of the parliament.
> You are completely misbehaving with your clumsy shallow debates without
> progress, when cde Mlambo intervene to forge ahead with unity you bulldoze
> it, whats wrong with you boys?.
> Let me pause by respecting cde Mawande Jack for his contributions of ideas
> even though Thapelo won’t read them.
> Tumelo Molapo,Tubatse region
> 073 120 7815
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