I must say that I am not empressed by the crop of leadership in PAC since the 
passing of President Lekoane Mothopeng. Comrades who have been close to me for 
all those years will attest to that. My biggest concern is that we cannot 
continuasly fail this movement by electing a leadership which at a latter stage 
we want to remove because of this and that. Our leaders have been failing us 
since 1990. The biggest problem in this movement is that we lack a coharent 
structure. No matter what constitution we can have there is no how we can 
protect it if we represent our own jackets. What I am saying is that if PAC was 
structured according to the constitution(read any) and we act as a unit 
(branch,region or province) there was no way we cannot protect the abuse of our 
constitution by any person. Unfortunately we continue with our tendency of 
our own reps representing our own jackets and thinking we can speak on behalf 
the rest. In the history of our constitutions,the constitution demands that 
there are certain procedures to be followed whenever a member or a certain 
portion of membership is not certisfied with a particular issue. This is not 
being done. If it has been done then the process protocol was not 
that time is running out and we are failing to resolve an impasse in this 
movement. My understanding is that if we are not happy with a particular 
leadership we vote that leadrship out. Why then is not the case with our 
leadership? Instead of doing that we continue to throw insults on our own 
leadership and we continue to act indipendently from the leadership. I know for 
a fact some of us don't regard the present leadership as PAC leadership. The 
question is,is that the truth? Then who lead the PAC? Can comrades outline a 
process by which the present leadership can be removed especially when the 
current constitution which governs the present leadreship is not respected or 
adherd to? On what ground then can we do that and beeing guided by what? We are 
enough with the Pan Africanist Politics what we want is a revolutionary wagon 
can ride on that will deliver the Pan Africanist Ideals to the people and 
finally a true Africanist revolutionary victory. COMRADES HOW TRUE ARE WE TO 

From: Pasika Nontshiza <pasikanontsh...@yahoo.com>
To: diop...@gmail.com; sizan...@mweb.coza
Cc: thomo.nkgad...@gmail.com; dzu...@live.com; sbusiso.x...@gmail.com; 
sebenzi...@raf.co.za; Jackie Seroke <sero...@hotmail.com>; Thapelo Matlala 
<tmatl...@salga.org.za>; Cunningham Ngcukana 
<cunningham.ngcuk...@investecmail.com>; payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, October 11, 2010 5:20:13 PM
Subject: [PAYCO] The Rise of A Star : Welcome Ikwezi To Our Shores

Spring has sprung too for Africanists,what, with the revival and reintroduction 
of Ikwezi journal. having been a voice of reason in exile,Ikwezi resurfaced and 
offered the much needed relevant political information about the pan-Africanist 
struggle. Its ability to present information in a critical,yet revolutionary 
manner contributed a lot to the confusion perpetuated by the apologists of the 
capitalist and neo-colonial system.

Ikwezi could not have come at a right time, what with the ship of freedom(PAC) 
hijacked by anarchists masquerading as members,condemning the masses of our 
people to slavedom and lack of direction.Let those who claim to be 
Pan-Arficanists accelerate and raise the level of debate so that the masses of 
Azania could have a proper direction.

A clarion call to all freedom lovers: Ikwezi is paving the way for all of us to 
agitate,advocate and contribute to the cause of freedom and do what Africanists 
are known for- rise to the challenge when they are required to.

Ikwezi can be contacted through-diop...@gmail.com

Izwe Lethu 
Pasika Nontshiza 
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