I get your point comrade Mawethu but it is not the fault of our generation that 
we have been unable to produce leaders who speak with 'pep and zest'. Infact we 
have produced such leaders but have been suffocated by Old Guard who see them 
as a threat as opposed to be seen as a new breed of leadership that must be 
nurtured and nourished to take the baton forward. Can name a list of our finest 
orators that we have produced over the years but that were frustrated by the 
Old Guard to gain necessary prominence. 

I must say I never expected a President to read a wrong speech without 
realizing, I can forgive the illiterate JZ if he can make such a blunder but 
not a leader of Mugabe's stature and level of education. Mugabe's blundering 
has far reaching impact noting his stature to the world and how his speeches 
are listened throughout the world by both enemies and friends. We just can't 
afford such blunders. I blame it on age and his support staff in the Office of 
the Presidency.

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: "'Mawethu Sidzamba' via Pan Africanist Youth Congress" 
Sender: payco@googlegroups.com
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 06:14:21 
To: payco@googlegroups.com<payco@googlegroups.com>
Reply-To: payco@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Time to call it quits for my Pres.

Dear Comrades
There are two ways to look at this. Oratory goes a long way in drawing mass 
appeal. All organizations that have succeeded had the oratory being integral to 
their success. People used to walk long distances to listen to their leaders 
speak with pep and zest, now they are bused only to listen to gobbledygook by 
uninspiring orators. Look no further than us if you want to see this in actual 
Mugabe on the other hand is a type of speaker whom when he speaks, the world 
listens, the detractors always fasten their seatlbelts that is why it was even 
easy to hype up the situation surrounding his address. Always clear, eloquent 
and caustic to a certain extent but this did not excuse him from familiarising 
himself with the speech prior to delivery. With that said there can be other 
convincing reasons for daring Mugabe to resign but speech delivery is the least 
of them.
Meanwhile, in the Pan Afrikanist block I cannot remember the last time we had a 
speaker who could move audiences both within and outside his constituency. You 
can have all the requisite theory but if it lacks delivery of a professional 
punch it is as good as dull. Let us continue reflecting on mass communication 
being an uncompromising leadership character trait. 

     On Sunday, September 20, 2015 10:04 PM, Linda Ndebele 
<kwamendeb...@webmail.co.za> wrote:

 #yiv0129008793 #yiv0129008793 --.yiv0129008793hmmessage 
Surely comrade Mmbara the Deputy President is fit for leading the country and 
ZANU-PF as President. Surely the liberation of Zimbabwe was a collective effort 
of Zanu-PF and the people of Zimbabwe. It can't be Mugabe forever even when all 
can see that age is truly overtaking him. ZANU-PF has a duty to ensure ofcourse 
that his legacy is not undone but all indications indicate that the Oldman has 
reached his ultimate point, he can't give anything better.Sent via my 
BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!From:  Hulisani 
<mmbar...@hotmail.com>Sender:  payco@googlegroups.comDate: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 
GROUP<payco@googlegroups.com>ReplyTo:  payco@googlegroups.comSubject: RE: 
[PAYCO] Time to call it quits for my Pres.
Comrade Linda, any ideas on who should succeed Oldman RG Mugabe and his peers 
in ZANU- PF leadership? I think though ZANU-PF is keenly aware of the 
succession matter and is probably fairly prepared for the inevitable departure 
of Mugabe and his peers. 

> Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Time to call it quits for my Pres.
> To: payco@googlegroups.com
> From: kwamendeb...@webmail.co.za
> Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 17:48:02 +0000
> I think our love for the old man to a certain extent blind us to reality. 
> That Mugabe is old is an undeniable fact? That he's now susceptible to things 
> that happens to older people such as tripping on stairways, falling in the 
> bathroom, getting ill often and ofcourse reading a wrong speech without 
> realizing. Oflate the oldman has been committing serious mistakes that 
> embarrasses all of us, example was when he made statements loaded with tribal 
> hatred recently. 
> Ofcourse the persons in the Presidents Office responsible for speech writing 
> and Head of the President's office must be taken to task for this blunder. 
> Having said that, the President cannot be absolved from this blunder, he 
> should have realized whilst reading the speech that he had once read it. If 
> the President reads his speeches with comprehension he could have realised on 
> the first 2 paragraphs of the speech except if he couldn't recall because of 
> age.
> I remain convinced comrades that succession has never been this urgent. When 
> our leader Fidel Castro was being overtaken by age he voluntarily handed the 
> baton. The Oldman RG Mugabe must hand the baton. 
> Izwe lethu!
> Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chargein Mabaso <chargein...@gmail.com>
> Sender: payco@googlegroups.com
> Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 18:55:46 
> To: <payco@googlegroups.com>
> Reply-To: payco@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Time to call it quits for my Pres.
> Comrades,
> Let's be serious. This is a serious matter just like when President
> Boris Yeltsin of Russia tripped and staggered infront of the public
> media making mockery of himself. He was redicule and dubbed as being
> drunk on an important occassion and called to resign. .
> Ma-Afrika, there is no way that the State President of a country can
> read a wrong speech in a public platform by accident or omission by
> his personal aids. How can that happen in any country? Where was the
> speech writer who is paid to do that? I also have the same question.
> Where were the communications department, VIP proetection, security
> and intelligent structures who are paid to protect the image
> (reputation) of the President and that of Zimbabwe as country when
> this fiasco happened? The President is the face of the country. That
> is why enemies of any couuntry target the President as their enemey
> number one. Look at the tight security of President Obama wherever he
> goes. Look at the noise in many papers about wrong sign language
> interpreter (psychopath) who stood next to President Obama during
> Mandela!s Memorial service. Any threat against President Obama's life
> and image is a direct threat to America as a country, not just to
> Obama as an individual. What happened to President Mugabe was a clear
> sabotage from within his own camp. Embarassing the President of a
> country is a punishable offence, if not high treason, for anyone who
> did it, consciously or unconsciously. The whole saga did come as a
> surprise after Mujuru crisis in Zimbabwe, if we know her influence and
> that of her husband in the military, security and intelligence
> structures in Zimbabwe.. I guess so. The whole issue seems to be an
> inside job to deepen the crisis in Zimbabwe and check the reaction of
> the Mugabe:s inner circle. Recently, it was reported on papers that
> few days after Mnangagwa was elected as Vice President at the expense
> of Joyce Muju head, poison was found in his office afer his secretary
> collapdsed and rushed to hospital due to inhalation of the poisonous
> gases (attempted assassination of the second in command). That was
> very serious. Once beaten twice shy. What will be the third move after
> this one? My guess is as good as yours.
> On 9/19/15, Hulisani <mmbar...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Evening comrades, I wouldn't want to necessary venture into either side of
> > the debate regarding whether or not Mugabe should leave as a matter of
> > urgency. I think the speech incident is being blown out of proportion in so
> > far as Mugabe is being blamed for the oversight. My understanding is that
> > Mugabe has a communication team that assist him with these issues who must
> > make sure the president has the right speech for the right occasion, whether
> > or not he personally wrote the speech himself. So how it ought to work is
> > that someone will type the speech, print it, place it on the pulpit before
> > Mugabe ascends to the podium. This despite whether or not the president has
> > kept a copy for himself. In my view, if anyone must go with immediate
> > effect, it is definitely the speech writer or the head of his communication
> > for being casual and not taking their salaried jobs seriously. Even then I
> > would say firing who ever is responsible for this will amount to some kind
> > of heavy handedness. Overall I think the issue of reading the wrong speech
> > is for all intents and purposes trivial. I'm sure for any president, this
> > would be the least oversight, which would not warrant calls for a leader to
> > step down. I am not sure if age has anything to do with it. Even if it has,
> > in the bigger scheme of things (I insist reading a wrong speech is a minor
> > oversight, it is not even a transgression), does the reading of the speech
> > outweighs all other political considerations for retaining the leader? I
> > think not, instead my view is that the media has made sure to sensationalize
> > this issue as they always do.
> >
> >
> >> Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 11:13:28 +0200
> >> Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Time to call it quits for my Pres.
> >> From: chargein...@gmail.com
> >> To: payco@googlegroups.com
> >>
> >> It is not as easy as like that for him, comrade. If Mugabe goes, there
> >> will be political upheaval in Zimbabwe. It will mean regime change.
> >> His Inner Circle will have to go too. That will be costly. It is the
> >> one forcing him to remain in power. It's a political marriage unti
> >> death. .even if he wants to go but they are definitely telling not to
> >> abandone them. They want Mugabe to rule until his last day on earth so
> >> that they can turn him into a deity like Mandela, Lenin, Mao Tse Tung
> >> to continue ruling and scare political rivals opposing them as
> >> disrespecting Mugabe's last will and vision. This is exactly what is
> >> going in PAC. Letlapa Mphahlele may be forced to remain PAC President
> >> even when the writing is on the wall for him. He will only voluntarily
> >> step down when his Inner Circle in his faction see it it fit. They
> >> know his downfall is also theirs. There will be regime change in the
> >> PAC too. Bangamafanankosi lamadoda! That's it. He cannot abandfone
> >> them at this stage. Not NOW! Thami Plaatjies did that. His reputation
> >> went to zero. His is now a declared traitor to his comrades-in-arms.
> >> Letlapa does not want to be in the same boat. It's about reputation,
> >> nothing more.
> >>
> >> Understand Mugabe's dilemma comrade. Those who want him to go are
> >> vying for his inner circle and Zanu- his lehacy too. Remember: When
> >> you fire the CEO, you must also fire his inner circle too. You saw
> >> what happened Egyptian President Mubarak and his inner circle after he
> >> stepped down. They were under severe attack. Hence, the overthrow of
> >> the democratically elected President Morsi. Mubarak's regime made
> >> wrong calculation. Mugabe learned a lesson from President Mubara and
> >> Gaddafi. He doesn want the same to happen to him. I am sure President
> >> Zuma has similar fears. His enemies will call for his arrest for his
> >> role in Matabeleland crisis. Another problem is when Mugabe steps
> >> down, it will be chaos in Zim. Mugabe is a uniting figure for both
> >> Zanu and Zimbabwean people. If I was a Zanu member, I will oppose the
> >> move to force Mugabe to retire without a clear successor.
> >> Unforetunately, such a successor will not be Mugabe 2 You saw what
> >> happened to PAC when we said Makwetu must go without succession plan
> >> in place. It was and is still chaos in PAC till today. We all created
> >> the PAC chaos unaware and unconsciously. That is why we must all bear
> >> the consequences now. It's our mess. We are to blame. PAC went from
> >> bad to worsE. Same will happen in Zimbabwe. If he dies in power,
> >> Zimbabweans can handle the transition with care and with the sensitive
> >> it deserves unlike if he resigns. Resigning will work in the interest
> >> of the enemies of Zimbabwe. Unfortunate, Zanu is losing good cadres
> >> like Joyce Mujuru in the meantime. Careerists, opportunists and agents
> >> are definitely exploitinbg the situation in Zimbabwe for their own
> >> hidden agendas. The true is, whether we like it or not, the chaos in
> >> Zim will spill over to South Africa with positive and negative results
> >> depending on the balance of forces in our country. It's a great
> >> challenge, indeed.
> >>
> >> On 9/18/15, Sebenzile Mlaza <sebenzi...@raf.co.za> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Revolutionary greetings to all,
> >> >
> >> > President Robert Mugabe delivered a State of the Nation Speech he had
> >> > previously delivered.
> >> > It's time our good president calls it quits, this is a sign of
> >> > senility.
> >> >
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