hi can someone help i am using jfw 5 and i am finding that the winamp scrips
that are installed are completely messing up my use of programmes like
winamp sound forge, etc how does one remove these scrips? many thanks infact
it might be more than just the scirps for winamp so can u remove all the
scrips from jfw? also i am finding that if i keep my fingers on the keys wen
typing it is tending to type more than one thing at a time, hope someone can
help with this one from stewart
and also wen i am using sf5 i am finding that jfw is saying to much to me re
the seconds and minutes in to a file, thus wen trying to eddit the jaws is
slowing sf down?

radioanorak low stream http://live.southeastsound.com:12624/listen.pls
radioanorak high stream http://live.southeastsound.com:12626/listen.pls

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