Howdy Jerry??  Your response to my inquiry picks my interest.  Ok, where can
I get a demo copy of Naturally Speaking to play with??  How much does it

And, if I CONVERT THE MP3 AUDIO to Plain Text, can I edit the text??

Here's my dilemma and I hope this sheds some more light on what I am trying
to accomplish; the pastor of a church where I serve as one of the audio
tekkies wants me to TRANSCRIBE each Sunday's recorded messages; he wants to
MAKE BOOKLETS of his messages.  Because of work commitments and other
related activities, I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME to listen to each tape and then
type out what I hear; besides, he makes so many GRAMMATICAL ERRORS that I
don't want to deal with if I can avoid it.  So, I am planning on recording
the taped messages to my computer using either GoldWave or SoundForge in MP3
format; the recording will then RECONVERTED to Plain Text and edited.  I
feel this would make the work go a little faster.

Do you surmise that Naturally Speaking will make this a snap??

If so, I'd like to play with a demo.  Mega thanks and I am still open to


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