Hi all.  I have registered the Noise Reduction of Soundforge.  Before that, 
I've copied some CD's, but have the excess noise.  Is there a way to take the 
noise out of those with Soundforge?  I went to drive D to play the CD with the 
noise I want to get rid of.  I usually find it on my local disk C, so I went 
there, copied to the clipboard, then alt tabbed to the D drive, and pasted it 
to the clipboard.  I found that I could do that.  If this works, it would be 
great if I didn't have to copy the CD over again, and create coasters.  I also 
would like to do some pitch shifting from material I've copied onto CD, and do 
the same, without having to copy a whole new CD again.  What does anybody think 
about this?
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