SAM is virtually inaccessible with JAWS, slightly less virtually
inaccessible (that is, slightly more accessible) with Window-Eyes.
This is because of the screen-drawing package they are using, called
Delphi, which uses hot-spots and other kinds of movable objects for
sighted folks to click and make things happen.    Some of the
on-screen controls are recognized by Window-Eyes, but a friend and I
have not really gotten far enough with it for either of us to say
we're comfortable using it to broadcast with or do a live gig with.

And before you go thinking that maybe the manufacturer should hear
from us as a user group, don't waste your time, unless you really feel
like taking on a project that will require a Herculean effort on your
part and staying power like you never thought you had.  My friend and
I have both been told twice now that Spacial Audio is not interested
in re-writing their screen stuff so that we can use it, they're a
small company, they don't have the resources, blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah.  Mind you, they were very nice about saying blah blah blah,
but that's all we got was yackity yack, blah blah, blah blah, thank
you very much now please go away.  A fine attitude, doncha think?

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