Well folks, here's more on the events list.

There's a window on the central left of the screen that's the events
window.  Above it are some buttons which JAWS doesn't seem to be able
to label, I don't think there are any tool tips that come up for those
buttons when a mouse pointer touches them.  I was able to figure out,
just by clicking them, that the last button on the right, the fourth
one, is for opening the events list dialog.  Once you do that, it
behaves like a normal dialog does.  There are buttons at the bottom to
add, modify, or delete an event, buttons for OK and Cancel, etc.
Events are things like jingles, spots, external audio feeds or
streams.  They can be scheduled at specific times or periodically
(once every 15 minutes, etc.)  There's also a Save button to save your
event list. What I haven't figured out is the next logical step, a
rotation.  Hopefully I'll do that today.

I've also figured out that the jingles buttons are more suitable for
drop-ins than they are for jingles. Some folks like using jingles as
drop-ins, I admit to having done that once or twice in a show, it's a
matter of taste, I guess, as to how you use this particular feature.

Onward and upward.

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