What is accessible to let you use DirectX with Winamp? I think I tried one, 
and it doesn't really work. I found some board online that had a limit 
plugin for Directx that is supposed to work with winamp with something 
called Gmixon DirectX plugin Adapter Module. Gmixon absolutely doesn't work 
with jaws at all. It won't even autolabel graphics. What else can work with 
Jaws so I can try this guy's presets to see what they sound like? I may need 
to change the presets so the preemphasis, if this plugin has it, is off. I 
just don't know how people listen to that as I turned it on in Sound 
Solution thinking it was a trebble boost, but it sounds bad. I don't know 
why you would use preemphasis for webcasting or whatever, thought it did 
something for FM.

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