Hi Andre, you wrote:

> What are the differences between the h100 and h300 iriver players?

The 300s are not just audio but also photo and video players. Their
display needs more power, so it normally turns itself off after no key
has been pressed for a couple of minutes. When one then presses a
button, nothing happens, only the display wakes up. One has to press
the button a second time to execute the desired function.

There are quite a few other differences, to many to mention here. The
300 players for instance can load their internal battery via the USB

> I got the impression that the rockbox for the iriver 300 series is actually
> moving much faster than the one for the h100 series did?

I don't know.

> And is rockbox for the h100 series still being improved?

Sure, the final version hasn't been released yet.

   <*** Michael Lang ***>

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