What you can do is to get an spdif converter for your pc, typically just a 
sound card with this feature.
Then you can have a physical amplifier and connect this to your pc. Then you 
make your converting from digital to analog outside the computer and should 
there by be able to reduce noise and such.

If you just mean weather or not there is a sound card with a very powerfull 
output I don't think so.

Best regards
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andy Logue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 7:56 PM
Subject: External Sound Cards

> Hi all.
> My knowledge and experience of sound cards is limited to internal cards
> which I have had on my last few computers.  So please excuse this question
> if it sounds a bit daft.  Are there sound cards available which can 
> replace
> my 75 watt per channel hi-fi and 20 inch speakers?  Or  are sound cards
> limited to a lower spec?  I'm asking because I need to upgrade both my
> computer and my hi-fi shortly and I was thinking of combining both, but 
> only
> if I can get really good quality high wattage sound.  Any advise would be
> very welcomed.  Best wishes.  Andy.
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