I'm familiar with Sound Forge, but, I'm not sure if I like 8 well enough to 
recommend it.  It's noise reduction is pretty good, and you can monitor 
volume so as not to clip. Good luck.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Denny Daughters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 1:40 PM
Subject: gold wave vs sound forge

> Hi guys,
>    Right now I use a basic sound editor called Fast Edit.  I find it 
> useful for doing what I need to get done.  When I bought it about 3 years 
> ago, I wanted something I'd used before and I didn't want to learn a whole 
> new program.
>    I've looked at goldwave and sure it's much more powerful with effects, 
> de-popping records, batch conversion to any formats, that kind of thing. 
> I don't like the editing interface, how you can't hear right where that 
> final bracket drops.  I suppose I can get used to it.  The price of gold 
> wave is tempting, sound forge on the other hand costs more and that's 
> really all I know about it.  What do you all like and or dislike about 
> goldwave and soundforge? Thanks.
> Denny
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