Just to clarify something, Winamp definitely doesn't have time 
Markers, try using Winamp with Window-eyes and all of your time 
markers will instantly disappear (smile).  People need to remember 
that time markers are a feature of the JAWS scripts for Winamp and 
not a feature of Winamp itself.

At 07:36 AM 9/06/2006, you wrote:
>Winamp gets my vote simply because for some things it beats WMP. I don't
>want to argue or anything, but winamp has time markers, good for the avid
>reader. It also is easier to navigate in the library. It could just be me
>but jaws is saying in wmp "treeview, closed" instead of treeview album etc
>etc. But winamp can't go by album and artist, but that doesn't matter since
>I usually make playlists in WMP. On the other hand, if you meant ripping,
>WMP does a supirior job, besides from CDEX or exact audio copy or any
>program deticated to ripping.

Regards Steve
Skype:  steve1963

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