Hello David and other interested persons,

I don't know why High Criteria just got around to the official 
release of 6.0.  I have been using it for a good month now and 
find it extremely stabile and accessible.  However, I have not 
attempted to use some of the newest scheduling features.  I would 
say, however, that I find that the driver causes no problems in 
this version as it did in previous versions.  Also, I have not 
recorded or attempted to record multiple streams simultaneously, 
so I cannot comment on that.

Don Roberts

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:06 PM
Subject: Total Recorder 6.0 Accessability

Hello list:

I've received a notice that Total Recorder Professional Edition 
6.0 has now been released.

I'm successfully using Total Recorder 5.3 for a number of tasks. 
But naturally, there is no indication in the notice to suggest 
whether 6.0 would necessarily be better in terms of accessability 
than 5.3. So I thought perhaps someone on this list may have the 
benefit of some experience to offer.

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