Ok, here is how to make total Recorder version 6.0 (though the same 
principle will work on earlier versions,) save recordings based on 
the name of the show and the date.

this is not the only procedure to accomplish what we want, but it is 
the one I use.

In TR, you can set a default file name rule for your recordings, and 
you can customize it, or use a completely different rule, for each 
individual recording.  In my life, I only use TR to do what we're 
trying to do, so I'll make my default rule contain most of the 
elements we want so it will be easy to add the program name on each 
scheduled program.

First, let's set the default rule.  We'll make a default rule 
template that just contains the month and date.  From the main 
screen, go to the options menu, and choose the first option, 
Settings.  You are placed in a tree view of possible categories, and 
you land where you last visited.  the File Names section is the 
seventh one, so arrow down to get there.  Once there, tab.  the first 
control you come to is a list of existing rules.  We'll leave the 
default in place and use the first item, 'Rules not using file tag,' 
since we're just going to create a new rule anyway.  The next control 
is a read-only box that shows what file name the durrent rule will 
yield.  Ignore it now, but it will come in handy later to check your 
creation.  Next we come to the 'new' button.  Shortcut keys appear 
not to work here, so tabbing to get here is the only way to access 
the button.  We could use the 'edit' button to edit the existing 
rule, but it's easier to just create a new one, so hit space on that 
'new' button.

>with the 'File Name Generation Rule' dialog open, you are first 
>given a chance to name the rule.  This is mandatory, so use a name 
>you like. the next control is the name template, which is the heart 
>of the operation.  the template can contain text and place holders, 
>called fields, in any combination.    Our template will be simple, 
>just containing two fields.  We pick fields from a list.  the list 
>is the second control from the template; the next one being the 
>chance to put a file path into your template.  so tab to the 'insert 
>field into template' listbox.  there are 20 possible fields.  In the 
>example, 'tony and dale show/01/08/06the '08" would fill the 
>'currmonth' field, the '01' would fill the 'currday' field (assuming 
>the date meant 1 August and not Jan. 8,) and the '06' the 'curryear' 
>field. Arrow through the list to explore it, or hit c to get to the 
>'currday' field.  Tab and accept the number of digits, presumably 
>2.  Next is a set of two radio buttons; with the top one chosen, 
>your field will be inserted into the template; with the bottom one, 
>it overwrites the current contents of the template.  Next, There is 
>an edit spin box that lets you decrease the number you've inserted 
>into the template.  For instance, today is the 5th, and if I put a 
>three in that box, the current date of the recording would show as 
>02.  Keep tabbing to the 'insert' button, which comes before the 
>'ok' button in the dialog.

Once you press the 'insert' button, you've inserted your first bield 
into the template.  As you tab around again, you see that the 
template is now populated.  Depending on the field you're inserting, 
it can be most cumbersome to read the template, so just make sure 
you're at the end of it and continue on to the list of fields.

We repeat this pattern for the 'currmonth' and 'curryear' fields to 
follow the desired example.  (I prefer the 'currmonthname' field in 
my file names.)  When all is done, the ok button is the default 
button in the dialog, so you don't have to tab to it, you can just 
hit enter.  tab to the ok button and this part of the process is 
set.  If you're going to do a lot of scheduling, it will save you some typing.

Now we want to schedule our program, n the desired example, Tony and 
Dale show.  From the main TR screen, hit alt-t, l to go into the 
schedule dialog, and since shortcut keys work in here, hit alt-n to 
create a New schedule item.  I won't go over this part here, so fill 
in what is needed.  Tab many times.  Just past the 'normalization' 
button is a set of radio buttons determining how the name will be 
generated.  Auto-create is the default, and you want it.  Tab and 
note that the current template is wrong.  We'll fix it. Tab to the 
Rules button and hit space to open the dialog.

What we do in here is a little weird, but it works.  You land on a 
set of two radio buttons, inviting you to either use a name rule or a 
private rule,  For the  moment, leav 'name rule' active and tab to 
the list of rules.  the one you created will be at the bottom, so 
highlight it.  Now shift-tab and down arrow, so that 'private rule' 
is in force.   Tab to the 'copy from name rule' button and hit 
space.  Nothing will appear to happen, but in fact our template has 
now been populated with our rule.  Tab to the change button and hit 
space.  You land on the templace.  since the day, month and year are 
already in there, hit the home key to go to the start of the line, 
and type whatever text you want to appear at the beginning of the 
name.  when done, hit enter.  Hit ok to accept the 'file name rules' 
dialog, and you're back on the main screen.  If you shift-tab, you'll 
see that your file name will now be the one you want.

though this may seem cumbersome, in my experience it's no less 
awkward than other ways of getting to the same goal, and the naming 
feature of TR is very powerful.


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