On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 19:16:26 -0400, you wrote:


Tagging and renaming are really two different functions.  They cross
when you want to use elements from one object to create elements in
the other object.  MP3 Tag Studio permits this quite easily and

If you're looking for just a good file renamer that has absolutely
nothing to do with tags, try Jim Willsher's Bulk File Renamer. I
cleaned up 3000 files in a lunch hour one day just by properly
specifying what I wanted deleted from the filename string. You can use
it to insert characters at the any point in the overall name string,
make string replacements using either direct sring1=string2 or regular
expression syntax, operate on files, folders, or both, recurse folders
or not, ... a dozen different renaming operations in all, some of
which have several suboptions.  A very blind-user-friendly piece of
software, and the best part, it's free!  I just don't remember his web
site, but it's probably jimwillsher.com or something similar.  Google
will find it for you. God, but what on Earth did we ever do without

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