Judy, you wrote:
Michael  you wrote:

> Michael, do the menus wrap?

I had the 660 for two weeks and after reading the manual, I made the
following decision:

The 660 uses three profiles, in which every menu item is set. One can
set a recording source, automatic or manual recording level control,
recording quality and lots of other things in these profiles. Switching
between the three profiles is easy, one only has to go to the first menu
item and in it, one can do that. But making all the settings for each
profile is difficult for a blind person. I asked somebody sighted to do
that for me. After it, I only switched from profile to profile and
therefore don't know, whether the menus wrap or not.

*To me that's highly significant.  If I am interpreting what your saying 
here, once you have the settings for each program adjusted to your tates you 
then just need to select the profile you want to record to and your good to 
To me that seems more blind friendly then starteing from scratch every time?


   <*** Michael Lang ***>

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