I use Golden Ear available from http://brooklynnorth.com to listen to 
podcasts.  Lately I've had a problem with the Blindcooltech 
podcast.  When I list the podcasts available on the Blindcooltech 
home page using Golden Ear only 40 podcasts are listed.  However when 
I go to the Blindcooltech home page at www.blindcooltech.com there 
are a lot more than 40 files available to download.  The podcast feed 
I'm using for blindcooltech is 
http://www.blindcooltech.com/bct.xml.  I've uninstalled Golden Ear 
and then installed it again but this didn't fix this problem.  If 
anyone has a solution to this problem any information would be 
appreciated.  thanks in advance.

Regards Steve
Skype:  steve1963

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