Hello List!

I'm looking for a windows media streaming service at an affordible price, 
between $30-$50 monthly, for forty to fifty listeners, streaming in stereo at 
56k--128k.  I have a Shoutcast service and want a windows media service to go 
along with it.  This is a hobby, so I don't want to go overboard, but yet have 
a great sounding station.  Also, I want a service that allows me to play 
whatever kind of music or show that I want.  I found a service called 
Churchquest that offers a windows media streaming service at $8.95 monthly, but 
it is a Christian service that does not allow secular music and has no phone 
support.  My Shoutcast server host is great, but I want to offer my listeners a 
Windows Media Stream as well.

Note:  this service can be in the U. S., Canada, England, or Australia/New 
Zeland; that is if their price is right.

James Robinson
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