A mailing list is a community, as in other communities we take part in, a 
primary dialogue may be maintained, it is indeed of high importance for the 
community to allow  for open discussion of the operation and health of the 
community. By members expressing concern about the operation of he list, or 
the leadership, an open discourse is created which is of the upmost 
importance for the continued longevity of the community.

all my best

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brian Olesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: Removing people from lists.

> Hi Dane
> I fully respect your point of view, but I think removing a person from a
> list is a very harsh thing to do, and there is a significant risc that a
> blind person easely get trapped in the fact that when he get some power he
> will for many reasons use it more agressevely then it actually requires.
> there for I hope the moderator will try to get into a dialog with the 
> person
> about re subscribing to the list after a period of time he decides.
> Forgiveness is among other things what makes a human being human.
> Best regards
> brian
> ----- Oprindelig meddelelse ----- 
> Fra: "Dane Trethowan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Til: "PC audio discussion list." <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sendt: 14. januar 2007 03:42
> Emne: Removing people from lists.
>> Hi!
>> Nothing to do with me of course but if people have issue with any
>> steps a moderator of a list takes then I for one would be pleased (as
>> a list member) that those people who have issues to raise with the
>> moderator would do so privately rather than publically? I joined PC-
>> Audio to read about thigns to do with audio and not to her people's
>> gripes about what the moderator of the list does or doesn't do.
>> Dane Trethowan
>> Phone: +613 9747 3975
>> Fax: +613 9743 7954
>> Mobile: +61 425 777 508
>> Skype: grtdane11
>> Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more...
>> http://www.pc-audio.org
>> To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to:
> Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more...
> http://www.pc-audio.org
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