Dane, you wrote:

> I wanted to be able to edit "on-the-fly" rahter than having to
> transfer data to a computer and in this respect, the Minidisc
> machines I have come into their absolute own, whether the new flash
> recorders that the subject line relates to will be able to handle
> this I don't know, I hope they do though.

I think, that Minidisc will be the best solution for a long time, if
you want powerful editing functions on the recorder itself. With the
Sony PCM-D50, you can divide tracks while and after recording, but you
cannot combine, as one can with Minidisc. The Marantz PMD620 has a
function called copy segment, with which one should be able to isolate
a certain portion of a file, which one wants to quickly upload.
However, this portion has to be written to a card, which may take
relatively long, if the passage is several hundred megs big. No flash
recorder offers the nice rehearsal, which makes setting trackmarks on
Minidiscs so powerful. The Plextalk PTR2 can do it, but it has other
disadvantages, when it comes to editing, it doesn't make the space of
deleted audio available in a lot of situations for instance.

   <*** Michael Lang ***>

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