One thing most of you are missing here is that the product is basically 
meant for a person without a screen reader and is a beginner that only wants 
to be able to do the most simple of music tasks.  I doubt anyone on this 
list would be looking for such an item.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Schindler" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: Marvelsoft Digital Jukebox , Not ready for prime time

I looked at the product and figure it isn't worth the $50.00 they want for
what it is supposed to do.
 go to and you will find all the software they

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: Marvelsoft Digital Jukebox , Not ready for prime time

They are marketing it as a jukebox in which every single aspect of the
program is spoken. No libraries that only sort of work etc. The program can
also be used either with or without a screen reader as it comes equipped
with its own speech output. I was and am still hoping to use it to help in
more easily cataloging my CD collection which I am now in the process of
digitizing. It is said that the program will work well with all MP3 players
with the exception of the iPod.


Larry Naessens

Vinylguy Café
...a burn above the rest
At Vinylguy Café, we turn old records and tapes into brand new CDs that you
can listen to for a lifetime. Visit us at We welcome
all of your enquiries by Skype or email. Before sending us your media,
please contact us for important shipping instructions.

SkypeMe: Vinylguy45
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Schindler" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: Marvelsoft Digital Jukebox , Not ready for prime time

> this is the first I have heard of this program. what advantage is this
> program supposed to have over something like Winamp?
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Larry" <>
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
> Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 2:35 PM
> Subject: Re: Marvelsoft Digital Jukebox , Not ready for prime time
>> As a blind purchaser of this software, I would have to agree with
>> everything that you said Tim, at least to the extent of that which can be
>> perceived by a totally blind user. First there's this annoying
>> proclamation issued each time the program is launched which shouts at the
>> user declaring itself to be "the future of audio!" Is this truly
>> necessary? If this is the future, then I am not optomystic.
>> Since I spent money on this package, I have tried to get to know it a
>> bit, but our relationship has been uneasy at best. It seems that the user
>> is required to learn a different method of doing most of the tasks for
>> which the software was designed. I had perceived it as giving voice to
>> tasks that could be cumbersome in other applications. And while there is
>> indeed voice, I find myself mystified as to how to perform tasks which I
>> take for granted in other applications. Then there's the "help" feature
>> which I really don't find to be all that helpful. For the most part, the
>> user is on his or her own when trying to figure things out. And, since
>> the developers have chosen alternative means for doing most everything,
>> this is particularly annoying.
>> However, Tim, since you are also an owner of this program, perhaps you
>> can help me out with the answers to a couple of questions. First, since
>> my music is on multiple drives and in a variety of folders, just how does
>> one move about between drives and folders? Secondly, when I try to ad
>> given songs to a given play list, the software insists on creating a
>> second play list with the first play list's name and dumping the songs in
>> that second play list. So, how does one add to a play list?
>> One other interesting thing that I noticed... the program does include an
>> element which allows the user to list radio stations and their urls,
>> serving as a kind of self built radio station database. I've noticed that
>> when adding a link, say from the Bill Sparks site, I have to add the link
>> which Bill labels "Listen live with your pda/smart phone or stand alone
>> player.," as the standard listen link will not work in this jukebox. I
>> guess it is to be perceived as a standalone player.
>> My comments here represent only my views, but, like Tim, I would
>> recommend that, before purchasing this product, you might want to get
>> hold of a demo version in order to make sure that it meets your needs.
>> Larry
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