You want to press the letter L to fast forward in Sound forge. That will speed the sound up. You can tap L several times to speed the sound up further, depending upon how you have it set as far as speed is concerned in the prefferences.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Larry Naessens" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 12:12 PM
Subject: Sound Forge 8 Question

Hi. I'm editing audio for someone who prefers that the task be completed in Sound Forge. I generally use GoldWave, so I'm trying to get a handle on how things are done in Sound Forge. For one thing, in Goldwave, I can listen to a file in fast forward at any speed I designate by pressing F6. If I understand Sound Forge correctly I should be able to listen to a file in Fast forward mode by pressing the letter F. But it isn't working for me. I stongly suspect that operator error is at fault here, so can somebody please tell me how I can listen to a file in fast forward mode in Sound Forge? I don't want to change the file's speed. I just want to listen to it at a higher rate of speed.

Thanks in advance.

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