Prices in this message are in US dollars.  If you're interested in bying
this script please contact Chris Bell directly.  His email address is

Regards Steve.
From:    Chris Belle

Hey folks?

I'm just popping in here to let you know a very useful little script 
will  available for sale from us here at Affordable Studio Services.

Some of my friends  inform me that one of the things that annoy them 
the most is that sometimes the soundcard will get muted accidentally.

If your blind, this can be a huge annoyance.

Well, this little script   unmutes your master and wave mute and 
maxes out your master and wav volumes on your primary sound card.

We can not guarantee that this script will work on every machine 
under every circumstance.

We are testing on more machines as I write this, but for those who
would like something like this,
it's 10 dollars  and you can contact me privately if interested.

Thank you very much.
Chris Belle

email is


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Regards Steve
MSN Messenger:
Skype:  steve1963
Twitter:  steve9782

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